Peter Pan and Puff

I had to wake up the grandkids this morning. As the bewitching hour approached I found myself engrossed in another of my weird dreams. It involved head lice {no idea} and me hanging out of a window holding a soaking wet file folder so the breeze could dry it out {don’t know where that came from}. Then I was at a big table with two faceless older people and I was yelling “I don’t want to grow up! I don’t want to grow up!” pounding the table with my fist in cadence with the pealing bells that served as my alarm {honest, I did not have any pepperoni}.

Well, after the cobwebs cleared, my tantrum reminded me of Peter Pan and Puff the Magic Dragon.

I do have a Peter Pan complex. I really don’t want to grow up. In fact, my wife would have told you she raised six children … and I was the hardest.

I may not be as pompous at Peter Pan {at least, I hope not} but I would cherish the opportunity for an exhilarating life free of grown-up rules and adventures in Neverland with mermaids, Indians and the wicked Captain Hook and his pirate crew. And, given the choice, I would probably return to Neverland like Peter rather than join the grown up world.

That brings us to Puff. He is happy when engaged in the imaginary adventures of childhood with playmate Jackie Paper. I always felt bad for Puff who was left alone when Jackie Paper grows up and loses interest  in the adventures. “A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys.” Isn’t that sad?

I think I could get along quite well with Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and Puff. I don’t want to grow up! I don’t want to grow up! Next stop … Neverland and the hills of Honalee.

THOUGHT TO REMEMBER: We all have the power to choose happiness each and every day. That doesn’t mean we ignore our challenges or we can always control everything that happens to us, but it does mean, with God’s help, we can choose to respond to God’s inevitable setbacks and hard times with a positive attitude. You have the power to focus on solutions, to surround yourself with supportive people, to rise above criticism and discouragement and to put your faith in God and trust His plan for your life. Be happy with who God created you to be and enjoy each day you are given as His gift. If you do this, you will make every day a Friday. — Joel Osteen

About wisdomfromafather

I'm just an ordinary guy walking along the journey of life.
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4 Responses to Peter Pan and Puff

  1. I echo the “I don’t want to grow up!” sentiment here! Fun read, and it is always about choosing happiness- I call it Adventure- seeing life as Adventure no matter what. I tell my students, “Attitude is everything” . . . PS saw your bio and my husband and I also have five kids; ). . . [found your link via the FFM link up]

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