Sharing Concerns

As we build this community prayer platform, we ask the Lord to listen to our petitions with full confidence they not only are heard but acted upon by God according to His holy will. These requests are on my prayer list and I hope you consider putting them on yours as you place your petitions before the Lord Sunday.

Approach the throne room and respond with faith and not fear, knowing the promises of God and His mighty hand will hold us through any situation! Sometimes, all it takes is just one prayer to change everything. Something extraordinary happens when two or more agree together in prayer.

What is one of the most important things we should do as Christians? Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints(Ephesians 6:18).

And, so, Lord, we come to You with our petitions, knowing and expecting Your will to be done.

Thoughts and prayers to all worldwide suffering from the consequences of coronavirus flu – and all other strains. Many – many – of the prayer requests are covid-19 related … people diagnosed … people sick … people dying … relatives worried and isolated. We are in this together – in prayer!

Please keep the victims of household abuse in your prayers. Whether it be physical, emotional, sexual or neglect, this time in particular is very horrifying for them to be trapped in a house with their abuser(s) and not being able to escape.

We also need to pray for colorblind peace. Racism will remain a plague until we stop looking at people as black and white, but as human beings created by the same Creator. We pray for new eyes, calmer heads, and softer hearts. 

Special prayer requests have been made for orphanages in Kenya, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and right here in the United States. The need is real.

Financial issues were also high on the prayer lists with millions still out of work. Sustain those who are hurting financially. Give us and them our daily bread.

Natural disasters continue. Keep those in the path of fires and storms safe and focused on You, Lord.

Please pray for Debby as she recovers from surgery.

Bill had rotator cuff surgery. Prayers requested for his recuperation.

Marie, an accompanist at church, is scheduled for carpal tunnel surgery and will be sidelined for at least six weeks. Prayers requested.

Young Luna recently had yet another heart surgery and could use prayers.

Dennis is undergoing some medical tests and can use some prayer.

David had to have surgery due to an infection and could use prayer.

Joyce needs prayer as she prepared for foot surgery to remove three hammertoes.

 Fred asks to be uplifted as he goes for kidney tests.

Keep Andrew in your prayers as he continues to fight the fight. He continues to physically fail, so prayers would be appreciated.

Please pray for Megan who is entering rehab for the third time.

Please pray for Lillie and her family. They are in need of much help from the Lord. He will know the details.

Please continue to pray for Justin who is really struggling.

Please pray for CJ who needs physical replenishment.

Please pray for Pat, a US military veteran struggling with heart issues.

Please pray for Chris who has lung cancer.

Please pray for Fabiano who is four and fighting for his life in the hospital with respiratory issues.

Please pray for Rachel who is struggling mightily, emotionally and spiritually.

Please pray for Hamania, a woman who is struggling with breathing and other health issues.

Please pray for Faith who is fighting ongoing health issues.

Please pray for Nixon who is in rough shape in the hospital.

Please pray for Marie, Cora, and Olga. The Lord will know the details.

Please pray for Vicky who has cervical cancer.

Please pray for Frank who is in the hospital.

Please pray for Andriyana’s health. She was in a car accident two days ago and is in pain as she awaits surgery.

Jeff is going for a physical and is concerned about the health of his lungs. Please pray for normal results and healing.

Please pray for Tosh, 17, who is being tested for either lymphoma or a bad infection.

Tina is completing her Masters of Divinity, Chaplaincy Dec. 18. Pray for God’s provision in ministry.

Please say a prayer for newborn MJ. Her parents have to take her to the hospital next week for x-rays on her head. She may have a life threatening condition, but it’s too early to tell.

Please pray Viviane’s neuropathy does not get worse and she can walk.

Gladys is at the ER with pain. Please pray everything is okay.

Prayers of healing from thyroid cancer for Yvette.

Linda asks for prayer in weight loss. She says she is very, very big despite trying so hard to lose weight. She weigh 264 pounds and struggles to not gain any more.

Please pray for Melanio who is experiencing heart issues.

Please pray for Doron. He suffers from severe daily depression and anxiety. He takes medication but refuses to seek professional help.

Please pray for Hugo. He is in so much of pain. Please make him walk again.

Keep Alice in your prayers. She’s been under the weather for a few weeks now.

There were a host of unspoken prayer requests and we heard of a number of deaths this week. Prayers for their families as they go through this earthly trial. We grieve … heaven rejoices.

We come to You, Lord, because prayer is the least yet the greatest thing we can do for each other. When two or more are gathered in Your name, we confidently know You are with us. What better company can we have? You reign and we trust You! We may be broken and battered but know You heal and quiet the soul. You are the source for all that happens in our lives. We thank You for the progress being made. We thank You for the many blessings we have received this week. Some we unfortunately didn’t notice. Nonetheless, those blessings are ever-present in our lives. We thank You for healing. We thank You for slowing us down. We thank You for providing us our daily needs — no more and no less. We thank You for being with us, listening to us, walking with us on this journey. We thank You for the support of our family and friends … for seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary — sunrises, sunsets, flowers, kids laughing, adventures, good news amid the bad news. We know we can come to You with our concerns and they will be heard. Through Christ all things are possible. We lift up those family members and friends who are battling various physical, emotional, financial, career or spiritual issues and ask not for Your guidance and healing (although that would be welcomed) but to keep reminding us we are not alone in our battles. Specifically we lift up Debby, Bill, Marie, Luna, Dennis, David, Joyce, Fred, Andrew, Megan, Lillie, Justin, CJ, Pat, Chris, Fabiano, Rachel, Hamania, Faith, Nixon, Marie, Cora, Olga, Vicky, Frank, Andriyana, Jeff, Tosh, Tina, MJ, Viviane, Gladys, Yvette, Linda, Melanio, Doron, Hugo, Alice, and all those needing Your healing and guiding touch. We pray for the families of all those You have called home. We grieve … You celebrate. We pray for obedience to Your Will so Your “Son” Light shines through us through the power of the Spirit. And we come to You through the confidence of the words taught by Your Son Jesus. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Keep your joys and concerns coming. They have been and will be included during my prayer time and I trust they will be on your lips as well as you approach the altar. All it takes is a couple of keystrokes under the “Contact Me” button on the top bar {or to the right if you’re not a follower yet}. I hope it becomes your best friend as you navigate around the site so we can all be viable prayer warriors. You can also comment or reach me at

THOUGHT TO REMEMBER: A beginner must look on himself as one setting out to make a garden for his Lord’s pleasure, on most unfruitful soil which abounds in weeds. His majesty roots up the weeds and will put in good plants instead. Let us reckon that this is already done when the soul decides to practice prayer and has begun to do so. – St. Teresa of Avila

About wisdomfromafather

I'm just an ordinary guy walking along the journey of life.
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4 Responses to Sharing Concerns

  1. Our pastor was in Ephesians 6:18-20 fighting in prayer today thank you for sharing your post


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