Five Minute Friday — Limit

Five Minute Friday. It’s an exercise where over 100 of us gather at Kate’s place ( to share our meager thoughts on a common prompt word.

I’ve been involved with Five Minute Friday for a few years and I have to tell you, it’s become more than an exercise. Although I rarely make the Friday post, I feel a responsibility to contribute. It’s almost like a school assignment. And no one wants a zero or incomplete.

In the past when circumstance prevented me from completing a prompt response, I felt it necessary to backtrack a few days — or even weeks — when I was again able to take five {or 10 or 15 or whatever} minutes and write from the mind and heart.

This is one of those weeks. Fighting a head cold with extra work demands, doctor appointments and … well … life, Friday skipped by {not unusual} and Saturday skipped by. Because of the frigid wind-whipped weather, church services were cancelled so I find myself with an “extra” hour or so. I suppose I could have invested into more “reflective” thoughts, but how much closer can you get to God than allowing His (God-given) thoughts to resonate through the (God-given) fingers to the page.

So. Let’s tackle this week’s prompt … LIMIT. The timer is set so let’s GO

I always told my children the world had no limits. The only limit they had was dictated by them … if they believed they could.

IMG_20160214_110438322I still believe that, but as I age I realize there are physical limits we all possess. If, for example, I tried to run a 5K race, they would be scraping me off the pavement at the .1K mark. If I didn’t collapse, my foot certainly would have dropped me to the pavement.

But it doesn’t mean my mind is limited by my limitations. I can dream. I can visualize. I can imagine. I can remember. I can look forward.

IMG_20160214_110403469This flooded to mind this morning when I happened to catch a commercial for a flea market find show … you know where people find junk and turn it into treasure. My wife was like that. I can’t tell you the number of times she had me pull over to a garbage heap to retrieve something she saw in her mind’s eye. Our house is replete with knicks and knacks someone else thought was trash but she insisted was treasure.


… I suspect we’re a lot like that, except we think we’re trash and God sees the treasure. We like to kick ourselves to the curb … too fat … not pretty enough … too flighty … too sarcastic … the list goes on and on. Yet, God reaches into the pile and plucks us out. He gives us the energy … the self-worth … the vision. He gives us a reason to believe, not only in Him but, more important, in ourselves by adding a little “less” — you read that right — to our lives.

And that transforms limit to limitless!

THOUGHT TO REMEMBER: Don’t mistake hard work for perfection.

About wisdomfromafather

I'm just an ordinary guy walking along the journey of life.
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4 Responses to Five Minute Friday — Limit

  1. Joe, I am your neighbor at FMF, my mother in law loves finding those treasures. I am like you I have to do this assignment or my week just doesn’t go well. I was trying some other direction the other day but it did not work. Oh well that is the writer, Blessings Diana


    • Thanks for visiting. These weekly “assignments” have become a must for me. I feel like I’m cheating {myself} if I skip one. I know what you mean about directions we writers sometime take. We start here … zig zag there … backtrack … do a little more shuffling … and end up miles away from where we started. I call it my “free range” thoughts. Don’t sit in the sad chair. Blessings right back at you.


  2. This is wonderful, Joe. I am the same way about feeling like I’m a failure for not writing on every prompt. Silly, am I right? I just don’t know how to recognize my own ‘limits’. Get it?!?! I I see the prompt…so clever, huh? 😀 Don’t mind me…just being silly.

    ~#76 this wk


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