Five Minute Friday — Unknown

Here’s this week’s installment of Five Minute Friday. You might remember the task is to write for five minutes on a specific prompt word, post it,  share it with others at her place on Facebook at and read the remarkable stories from other writers in the group.

As an extra enticement, I’ve been using testimonials about the group and the exercise from other members as collected in Five Minute Friday: A Collection of Stories Written in Five Flat. This week it’s from Barbara. I encourage you to listen to the words and visit our wonderful corps of writers … and maybe be inspired to join in!

“My journey with the FMF family started Oct. 30, 2014. Why do I remember the exact date? Because I had connected with so many others during the 2014 ‘write31days’ challenge, and was looking for something that would encourage me to continue writing. Many of those I had connected with during October were participants of this amazing group of writers. I won’t say I am faithful to write every week; it always seems by Thursday evenings I am just wiped out and forget to look at the prompt! But in 2015 I wanted to join with the other writers for the ‘write31days’ challenge again, but didn’t have a topic. I was excited to find the Free Writes through FMF and wrote every single day. My favorite word was BACON! Hopefully I will get back to joining the FMF family and write more. In the meantime, I have enjoyed being a part of this amazing group!”

This week’s prompt is UNKNOWN. The timer is set … so here goes. {clock starts now}

We’re all concerned about the unknown. Let’s admit it. Even the most positive among us are a bit squeamish when it comes  to the unknown.

Some people are totally thrown when dealing with unknowns. Others sort of roll with the flow. I’m in the latter fold … yet I still look at the unknown with a little bit of trepidation. I just try not to dwell on it. As I wandered down the road of life, I often wondered whether I would be a good husband and father, whether my job decisions were in the best interest of the family, how I would handle day-to-day issues that might occur. I even wonder whether the roads in heaven are truly lined with gold or whether we will have perfect bodies or be in a spiritual state.

The difference is trust. I have always trusted my God-given instincts and I was always willing to learn from every experience — even the not-so-pleasant times. I welcome the new experiences. I try to look for the presence of God … STOP

by showing the extraordinary in the ordinary. And I don’t dwell on would haves, could haves, or should haves.

The unknown. Scary? Yes. Mainly because it is not “known.” We’ve lost control …

Wait a minute. Who is supposed to be in control?

THOUGHT TO REMEMBER: Wisdom is wealth. — African Proverb

About wisdomfromafather

I'm just an ordinary guy walking along the journey of life.
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10 Responses to Five Minute Friday — Unknown

  1. The unknown, yeah, it’s out there,
    and that would be God’s law.
    But I don’t mind and I don’t care,
    because I’ve got a SAW.
    Whatever demons may affright,
    however fearsome are their sounds,
    they didn’t bet on FN’s might,
    and I’m puttin’ down the rounds.
    Don’t care if they feel justified,
    that needs were just not met.
    To their plaints I am quite blind,
    and it’s hell they’re gonna get.
    No way for mercy will they grovel;
    we’ll clean ’em up with a shovel.

    The M249 SAW is based on FN’s Minimi, hence the FN reference.


  2. TamrahJo says:

    Oh my – I was going to set a timer and write for 5 minutes on Unknown – “so how can one write so long on what is unknown?” I ask myself – “obviously, we all have an opinion on what the Unknown is, otherwise, no one could write more than a second about it…” – and if we have a thought, opinion, then, it isn’t fully unknown, right? It’s something ‘unproved’ to our satisfaction, but it is certainly not ‘unknown’ – Sigh – I love your writings and musings – I am, as you know, theologically challenged and a bit gruff on the history of mankinds ‘theology’ – however – I find myself writing for much more than 5 minutes – pondering for a lifetime, with the question and/or plea, however you deem it – – “but…but..splutter…but, IT is NOT unknown to me – it is simply to big to describe – to deep to put words too – too complex to ‘clarify’ in my tiny understanding and known vocabulary – BUT – IT IS NOT UNKNOWN! It is the peace that descends upon me when staring at the stars after the blizzard stops at 3am – and I wake up, not knowing why – and the dog dances, eager to herd me outdoors to see – -it is the rush and thrill and awe I feel as the summer storm full of heavenly bolts and the hades wind head towards us – it’s the tender bud of spring nipped in prime of late spring freeze and the aging, sluggish wasp that lingers inside our home in October – all these things are KNOWN to me – and through them, and the older I get, I find myself discovering, layer through layer, that which is touted as ineffable and Unknown, Unknowable as KNOWN – to my heart –

    There – timer stopped – it is not Unknown – it’s just a portion we haven’t connected to see through our Knowns, just yet – 🙂 LUB – Father Says (that’s Luv U Bunches – and short hand for the song – “I love you, a bushel and a peck” – figure your family has that goodnight song for children, too – – 😀


  3. Teresa Lasher says:

    hi from #26 FMF. I’ve taken a bit of a vacation from FMF, but I’m back again for the Unknown.
    I’m pleased to know someone who rolls with the punches vs. totally thrown. if I’m honest, I’d be in the other category (totally thrown). but I’m a work in progress as we all are, right?
    one take-away from your piece: “not dwelling on would haves, could haves, or should haves.”
    thanks for sharing, my FMF friend.

    Teresa Lasher


  4. So good. A clear simple reminder about who is meant to be in control when we face the unknown. Thank you


  5. “The extraordinary in the ordinary”. That’s it exactly. That’s from where God’s glory shines brightest. Such a good and necessary reminder. Thank you.


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