Five Minute Friday — Protect

Okay, I am resigning to the fact my Fridays are on Saturday. Although I had the time to post in Five Minute Friday yesterday, I just didn’t. I was distracted at every turn. So, here’s to Five Minute Saturday — a Wisdom from a Father feature.

The rules remain the same. Ponder the weekly prompt. Nothing too pithy, just honest as the words flow from the brain through the fingers. Keep it limited to five minutes {or so} with limited editing. Link at Kate’s place ( and sit back and enjoy other posts from other writers. I also encourage you to visit Kate and her wonderful corps of writers … and maybe be inspired to join in!

This week’s prompt is PROTECT. The timer is set, so let’s GO

When I was growing up, I felt my parents were soooo overprotective. They wouldn’t let me do some of the foolish things I thought of. They had a curfew {at least until I was around 18}. They had to know where I was going {which was difficult because I often didn’t know where I was going} and who I was going with {no problem, there were four of us who hung out together} and what we would be doing {see note above}. And yet, I survived their “overprotection” without too many ill effects. I lived life, savored the adventures and grew.

Of course, then I got married and had children of my own. The roles shifted. It was now my time to protect my children with the same nagging questions I had faced. But I learned a little about protection as they were growing up.

First and foremost I realized I could guide and help steer them away from dangers, but if truth be known, they were going to make their own decisions. My “protector” role was to hopefully get them to think twice before they acted and be there when bad decisions were made. Unconditionally. Maybe with some … STOP

… disappointment, but always unconditional. And the disappointment wasn’t directed at them. It was aimed squarely at me who obviously didn’t communicate the message correctly.

As I’ve gotten older, I can see the transference of this trait with my children and their children.

And I also think about how God must feel. He is, after all, our ultimate Protector. Sometimes we feel He’s overprotective {what’s with those commandments anyway?}. We don’t listen to His guidance. We don’t follow His rules. We screw up.

I wonder if God gets disappointed when we do that. And I wonder if He gets disappointed with us or with Himself.

Regardless, I do know He still loves us unconditionally. He comforts us when we come to Him. He wraps His loving arms around us and tells us we’ll get through this. He reaches out to us even when we’re not reaching back.


Because He loves us and He wants to protect us … just like we want to protect those near and dear.

THOUGHT TO REMEMBER: Some people are like blisters. They don’t show up until the work is done.

About wisdomfromafather

I'm just an ordinary guy walking along the journey of life.
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2 Responses to Five Minute Friday — Protect

  1. Great post! And so true about parenting! But I don’t think God is ever disappointed in us. He loves us too much and knows our nature. It is comforting to know He is always right in front of us!


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