Five Minute Friday — Alive

Surprise! It’s Friday and I’m venturing into my Five Minute Friday mode. Like I said, Surprise {okay, that was last week’s prompt word … a little carryover}.

This week’s prompt courtesy of Kate Motaung ( is ALIVE. I’ll set the timer, let my fingers do the pecking and contribute my post to the 100-plus strong writing flash mob known as Five Minute Friday. Do stop by and see what these incredible {mostly} women share.

It’s time to GO

It’s good to be alive.

Truth is, we don’t always feel alive. We’re often burdened, tired, beat down. We go through the motions, but the heart and soul just don’ exude the passion for life.

We’ve all been there. I’ve been there. And it’s not just after a loss or a setback. Life sometimes can suck the — well — life out of life.

I know that’s especially true after the loss of a longtime spouse, parents, siblings or close friend. What’s the point of going on? The hole in your heart is pretty big. Been there. Done that.

It’s good for us to remember on this Good Friday there was a band of disciples who had their lives turned upside-down as well. They were scared. They were numb. They went into hiding … fully expecting those who crucified their Leader could very well be after them next.

And I think their faith may have been shattered as well — or at least … STOP

whatever faith they had. They believed in Jesus. He was not only their friend and confidant, He was the expected Messiah … the Deliverer from bondage … the Healer.

I don’t think they fully understood all that. I think they were looking on a human plane and didn’t grasp the words and teachings of Jesus until later.

For now, they watched Him beaten, battered and crucified — a very ugly way to die. The religious leaders of the day — through the Romans — didn’t just want to condemn Jesus. They wanted to make an example of Him. They wanted to quell this insurrection once and for all, small as it was.

Those disciples had every reason to be afraid. Those disciples had every reason to retreat. Their faith in Jesus was tested and challenged.

That all changed a few days later when the women went to anoint the body, only to find it was gone. And as Jesus started to appear to them, their eyes were opened. Their minds were opened. Jesus’ teaching suddenly made sense. He was speaking on a different plane. He was talking about spiritual deliverance.

He’s alive! And because He’s alive, I can face tomorrow … and the next day … and the next day until I become alive with Him, not in the physical sense, but in the spiritual sense.

One of my favorite Christian songs is Because He Lives. Another is He’s Alive. And in keeping with the theme of this week’s prompt, I’ll share Dolly Parton’s rendition of He’s Alive.

It is what gets me through the dark days.

THOUGHT TO REMEMBER: If you want to make God laugh, tell him your future plans.

About wisdomfromafather

I'm just an ordinary guy walking along the journey of life.
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11 Responses to Five Minute Friday — Alive

  1. Love this – from life sucking the life out of life to the eternal hope in the end!


  2. iwillbloom says:

    Always love your posts. (LOVED your thought to remember this week) and thanks for the Dolly Parton song (whilst not wanting to minimise how much I loved your own words, which are beautiful, as always)…..Helen


  3. Christy says:

    It is amazing isn’t it, The resurrection of Christ also woke the apostles from their sleep. Happy Resurrection day!


  4. TamrahJo says:

    I recently read the book, “The Noticer” by Andy Andrews – in which one of the main characters says, “Everyone is either coming out of crisis, in a crisis or heading towards the next crisis, that’s the way life here is…” and then talks about how to get perspective on it all

    (I confess to seeing within the book, many examples of modern day language, that, to my mind, were the same wisdom given via the parables of Jesus – and wouldn’t ya know? A trip to the library and random pulling of ‘titles’ from the shelf, to get geared up for my next creative bout, brought the book into my home and a spring blizzard that caused havoc with my intended ‘to do list’ meant, I read the book, yesterday – 🙂

    – – But yes, there are times when life seems to make a hole in ya so big, you wonder if you’re alive, still or not – but it’s always good to remember that if you can just wait, Alive will show up again – 🙂

    I’ve been gone so long, hope you forgive me (figure good weekend to ask for such blessings) for having you log into multiple notifications as I attempt to catch up – 🙂

    Happy Easter, Father Says – may this coming year of Hope bring you the blessings you bestow upon others. 🙂


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