Five Minute Friday … Bare

Here’s this week’s installment of Five Minute Friday. You might remember the task is to write for five minutes on a specific prompt word. The initiative was started by Lisa-Jo Baker ( who thought about writing and how often our perfectionism gets in the way of our words. And she figured, why not take five minutes and see what comes out: not a perfect post, not a profound post, just five minutes of focused writing.

So, the timer is set for five. The word for the week this week is BARE … so here goes. {clock starts now}

I look out the window and see the bare trees, standing starkly barren in a gray envelope. Fast forward a few hours. A light snow is falling and those stark branches now have a white coat with a couple of cardinals chirping away amid the snowflakes.

I look into my soul and see the barrenness and coldness. Fast forward a few hours. Demonstrations of God’s little miracles are there … the birth of a new grandson … an unexpected phone call from an old friend. That gray, cold soul has a new life..

That’s the power of our God. He can transform the gray bareness of nature — and … STOP

our souls — with little examples that point to Him. It gives us a promise — His promise — to look forward to. It give us hope.

THOUGHT TO REMEMBER:  Every setback is a set up for a comeback.

About wisdomfromafather

I'm just an ordinary guy walking along the journey of life.
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8 Responses to Five Minute Friday … Bare

  1. Nikki says:

    It’s so true–Jesus can change a heart of stone in an instant. What a beautiful picture of a soul being renewed!


  2. Patty says:

    So, so true. It is amazing to me what he can do with a bare soul.


  3. Janis Cox says:

    Exactly my thoughts today. How we really need a bare soul in order to have it filled with Jesus. Loved the line: That’s the power of our God. He can transform the gray bareness of nature … and I would end it “into a lush landscape”.
    Thanks and blessings,


  4. Run. says:

    I just stumbled upon your blog and the thought for the week crawled up to my head… It’s a nice phrase and I sure hope it applies to me too 🙂
    When I read the word Bare, the first thing that came into my mind was a newborn baby, all bare and pure, but who with time grows on so many levels. Babies feel comfortable being bare, but the time goes by and they become everything else but. Just like all of us. And to let other people see our inner bareness as adults, we have to build up trust…. Just my 2-minute thoughts on the word 🙂

    Best of luck on Your writings!


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